Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) help your company put the correct process in place to increase productivity, reduce manual errors, and streamline operations. However, before you write your SOPs, you’ll need to get support from Management to fund the writing project. When presenting your … [Read more...]
Proposal Writing: Short Deadlines
Here’s a suggested approach if you need to write a proposal with a short deadline. For example, if you have been asked to take over a bid or grant application at the last minute or if your company decides to bid on a procurement tender (RFP) towards the closing date, then the following guidelines … [Read more...]
Writing the Risk Analysis section for Business Proposals
Risk assessment creates problems for proposal writers. When responding to a Request For Proposal (RFP), you need to identify all known risks but also flag how these will impact other projects and deliverables. Your response also needs to discuss how you will mitigate against this; in other words, if … [Read more...]
15 Business Proposal Writing Tactics
How does psychology affect your business proposal’s success rate? While most proposal writers focus on ‘hard’ data and ‘fixed’ costs, before you start your next tender document, consider other areas that typically get overlooked. For example? Look at underlying issues, pain points, and … [Read more...]
How to demonstrate Value For Money in Business Proposals
You can increase your business proposal’s success rate if you understand how evaluators determine Value For Money. Most proposal writers focus on the solution or cost. While both of these are valid, you need to examine your bid from the evaluator’s standpoint, in particular how they assess the … [Read more...]
9 Ways To Improve Your Business Proposal’s Executive Summary
Here are nine guidelines to help you write a better Executive Summary for your next business proposal. The Executive Summary creates difficulties for many proposal writers. Is it part of the business proposal or is it a separate document? How long should it be? Should it include costs? 1. Define … [Read more...]
18 Case Study Writing Hacks
You’ve never written a case study before, right? You wish there was some nice, easy way to get a handle on this. So, wouldn’t it be very nice if someone –guess who! – put together fifteen of the best articles on case study writing? Well, you're in luck, we have! 1. How to Write a Case … [Read more...]
37 Proposal Writing Secrets
This short course on proposal writing reminds us that our business proposal does not stand alone. It is process of a larger process that involves planning, research, writing, editing, proofing, submission and acceptance. This list gives 37 ways to improve your next proposal. Scroll through it and … [Read more...]
RFP Checklist For Website Implementation and Support
The final checklist in the Website RFP is for the Implementation and Support requirements. The implementation chapter of your website RFP needs to cover: Timelines Budgets Resources Website RFP Checklist - Implementation and Support Describe the following: Constraints - What … [Read more...]
How to Write Your First Case Study
Case studies and white papers are very effective marketing tools if you want to promote the benefits of your product or services. Case studies are the first most popular device used to promote the business. If you plan to write a case study, this article will give you a better understanding about … [Read more...]