5 Ways To Increase Your Proposal Success Rate

What’s your success ratio with proposals? 25% is average. Very few get 50%. I help government agencies evaluate proposals. Most bids that come across my desk make the same errors, use the same flawed strategies and are never accepted. And the next time, they repeat the same mistake. Here are some … [Read more...]

How to Write Abstracts For Business Proposals

Philip Koopman, at Carnegie Mellon University, reminds us that, “Writing an efficient abstract is hard work, but will repay you with increased impact on the world by enticing people to read your publications. Make sure that all the components of a good abstract are included in the next one you … [Read more...]

Donald Trump’s Guide to Delivering Negative Business Messages

Ever watch the Apprentice? I enjoy waiting for Trump to pull the trigger and give it to them. ‘You're fired!’ It’s nice to watch this from the safety of our sofas. We’re involved but also separate from it. And we can switch off. In the real world, it’s not so cosy. Sometimes you’re the one that … [Read more...]

4 Step Formula for Better Business Proposals

One of the secrets to writing successful proposals is to write the proposals backwards. Ok, I don’t mean line by line backwards. What I mean is identify the problems first and then write the proposal to address these problems. I've been reading Business Proposals for a client all week (I assess … [Read more...]