Proposal Writing: 7 Dos and Don’ts

A true story. Five bids arrived. We, the evaluators, tore open the packages and plonked the documents on the table. We’d decided who’d review which bids, and so set about. We meet again later than afternoon. Note: this was a preliminary stage before the actual evaluation began. At this point, … [Read more...]

5 Ways To Increase Your Proposal Success Rate

What’s your success ratio with proposals? 25% is average. Very few get 50%. I help government agencies evaluate proposals. Most bids that come across my desk make the same errors, use the same flawed strategies and are never accepted. And the next time, they repeat the same mistake. Here are some … [Read more...]

How Business Proposals Are (Really) Evaluated

If you're new to proposal writing, either for Sales, Grants, or Government procurement, you're chance of having your bid accepted increases when you understand how proposals are evaluated. Business Needs Statement Checklist How Business Proposals are Assessed For most large-scale Request For … [Read more...]

7 Request For Proposal Evaluation Guidelines

Your success as a Proposal Manager depends on your ability to respond to Request For Proposal documents, understand the procurement process, write compelling responses, and coordinate your team during the writing process. However, even with the best will in the world, unless you have guidelines, … [Read more...]